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This model introduces a shared ownership structure between the Power consumer and the investor. The consumer contributes a portion of the capital, typically around 26% (translating to 8-9% of the total investment). The remaining investment is borne by the investor. Similar to the TPP, the PPA tariff is based on power generating at the generation bus bar. Unlike the TPP, consumers under Group Captive Open Access are exempted from paying additional and cross-subsidy surcharges to the government.
TOPTIER Identifies the right OA capacity on the basis of electricity bill analysis and discom parameters.
TOPTIER Identifies the right energy source on the basis of generation and consumption patterns.
TOPTIER identifies competent power project developer on the basis of their experiences, financials & technical strengths.
Toptier assists to execute share holding and power purchase agreement between consumer and investor.
TOPTIER facilitates and help to upgrade metering and other electrical infrastructure required for open access.
TOPTIER facilitates and do all the liaising work required for open access permissions and approvals.
TOPTIER facilitates and reconcile month on month billing and energy adjustment services for optimum savings.
The off-taker/ power consumer invests a portion of the capital, typically around 26% (Equal to 8-9% of the total investment). The remaining investment is borne by the investor.
As a equity holder, the consumer is exempt from paying cross-subsidy and additional surcharge to the government. This can lead to significant cost savings.
Similar to the Third party purchase (TPP), the PPA tariff is based on power feeding at the generation bus .
Similar to the TPP, the PPA duration, consumer credit rating requirements, and investor responsibilities remain consistent. The investor or their EPC partner company oversees all project aspects, from development to operation and maintenance.
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